Sunday, April 19, 2009

April Fools

Last year I pulled a prank on my family with our dinner for April fools and I did it again this year. I made a taco shepherds pie and whipped the potatoes with pink food coloring. I had some berries in the fridge and put them on top. As a side note I made a great whole wheat pie crust that tasted great with the shepherds pie.
While the kids were playing I announced that we were going to have some dessert. The kids jumped up and ran to the table. They kept asking me if we were really having dessert. I was so excited to see their faces. R made a horrified face when he took a bite. He asked, "so you made berries and potatoes together?" I was trying so hard not to laugh and I asked straight faced, "don't you like it?" N kept asking for the pie. We kept telling her that she had it on her plate but she was getting more upset. Finally I told them it was April Fools and it was just a joke. They understood it was a joke and they ate the shepherds pie but they weren't interested in dessert.

Dessert was suppose to look like chicken pot pie but really it was butterscotch pudding. No one really ended up eating it.
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lavette said...

Great April's Fools day joke! Looks great

Sara said...

How creative! You really went above and beyond to make it fun.

Jackie said...

I would have loved to see him react to that! So funny! Good job!

David and Jana said...

I love it! This was the first year my kids were interested in April Fools and I told them about your mashed potatoes trick. So I have to do something really clever next year!